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Labels alertname = OTCS-clusterRunAvgTime HID = OTCS0905 clusterDisplayName = DEV FE01 clusterIndex = 3 clusterinstanceDisplayName = OTCS0801FE02 env = DEV instance = localhost:10105 job = OTCS_DEV severity = critical team = otcs Annotations description = Content Server Cluster High Avg Request Time over 30s VALUE = 130.234 LABELS: map[__name__:clusterRunAvgTime clusterDisplayName:DEV FE01 clusterIndex:3 clusterinstanceDisplayName:OTCS0801FE02 env:DEV instance:localhost:10105 job:OTCS_DEV] Help: |
https://handel.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HITID/pages/720699609/+++++++ Time summary = Content Server Cluster has High Avg Request Time (instance localhost:10105) | Image Modified |
Applies to
System | Version | Approved |
opentext Content Server | 16.x | Yes |
opentext Content Server | 20.x | Yes |
opentext Content Server | 22.x | Yes |
opentext Content Server | 23.x | Yes |
opentext Content Server | 24.x | pending |
| | |
The Content Server has a high Average Request Time. All Request are Very Slow. Usualy the Thread count going up.