OTCS0902 Cluster Active Threads
E-Mail Message:
alertname = OTCS-clusterNumActiveThreads
HID = OTCS0902
clusterDisplayName = DEV FE01
clusterIndex = 3
clusterinstanceDisplayName = OTCS0801FE02
env = DEV
instance = localhost:10105
job = OTCS_DEV
severity = critical
team = otcs
description = Content Server has les than 10 Threads available VALUE = 4 LABELS: map[clusterDisplayName:DEV FE01 clusterIndex:3 clusterinstanceDisplayName:OTCS0801FE02 env:DEV instance:localhost:10105 job:OTCS_DEV] Help: OTCS0902 Cluster Active Threads
summary = Content Server low Threads (instance localhost:10105)
Applies to
System | Version | Approved |
opentext Content Server | 16.x | Yes |
opentext Content Server | 20.x | Yes |
opentext Content Server | 21.x | Pending |
The Content Server has a high usage of Threads. Shortly he can’t addional Task handel
Sources of Errors
Database not available
Database Locks of Tables
Oracle Database
Select for Database Lock
select (select username from v$session where sid=a.sid) blocker, a.sid, ' is blocking ', (select username from v$session where sid=b.sid) blockee, b.sid from v$lock a, v$lock b where a.block = 1 and b.request > 0 and a.id1 = b.id1 and a.id2 = b.id2;
Solution: → Contact your DB Admin he can Remove the Lock.
To many request from the Clients
Waiting Waiting…
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