Prometheus Alertmanager Install

Prometheus Alertmanager Install


Here are the steps to install Prometheus Alertmanager on Windows under the path "D:\otx\sw\otwatch\otwatch_alertmanager":

  1. Download the latest version of Prometheus Alertmanager from the official website and save it to your desired location, in this case "D:\otx\sw\otwatch\otwatch_alertmanager".

  2. Extract the downloaded archive to the same folder by right-clicking the downloaded file and selecting "Extract All...".

  3. Open the "alertmanager.yml" file located in "D:\otx\sw\otwatch\otwatch_alertmanager\alertmanager-<version>.windows-amd64" in a text editor.

  4. Configure Alertmanager by setting the necessary parameters such as the SMTP server, email recipient, and notification routing. Save the file.

  5. Open the command prompt as an administrator and navigate to the "D:\otx\sw\otwatch\otwatch_alertmanager" folder.

  6. Start Alertmanager by running the command "alertmanager.exe -config.file=alertmanager.yml".

  7. Verify that Alertmanager has started properly by opening the URL http://localhost:9093 in a web browser. The Alertmanager web interface should be displayed.

  8. You can now configure your Prometheus rules to send alerts to Alertmanager.

Note: If you want to run Alertmanager as a Windows service, you can use NSSM to create the service. The steps are similar to those for Prometheus, except you would use the path to the "alertmanager.exe" file and set the necessary arguments in the "Arguments" field. For more information, refer to the official Alertmanager documentation.

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